Actual savings delivered to your business while energy costs fluctuate daily, specialize in Energy Conservation .
A charge assessed to recover a TDU’s charges for Advanced Metering Systems, to the extent that they are not recovered in a TDU’s standard metering charge.
A retail electric provider that is affiliated with or the successor in interest of an electric utility certificated to serve an area.
A person joining two or more customers, other than municipalities and political subdivision corporations, into a single purchasing unit to negotiate the purchase of electricity.
An ESI ID is a unique number within the Texas electric market assigned to each delivery point-of-service by the TDSP. This number stays with the residence it is assigned to, it does not move with the customer. If you are unable to find the ESI I.D., you can call us at 817-385-0305 and we will be able to tell you.
Kilowatt, the standard unit for measuring electricity demand, equal to 1,000 watts.
Oncor Electric Delivery Service Area
AEP North/ AEP Central
Q: What happens if my Retail Electric Provider (REP) goes out of business?
A: You will not be without power. You should receive a notice from your REP giving you time to select a new provider. However, if that does not happen, your service will be provided by the Provider of Last Resort (POLR) until you select a new provider.'
Q: If I switch, where is my electricity come from?
A: Your current electric utility will continue to deliver your electricity. Your power will come from a regional power pool - a mixture of energy from traditional power plants and other sources like wind, water, natural gas, coal and sun.
Q: Who do I call if my power goes out?
A: In the event you experience an outage, please call the outage number below for your service area. If you have any questions about your service area, call us at 817-385-0305.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If I switch, will the reliability of my electric service change?
A: No. No matter which Energy Company you choose, your electricity will continue to be delivered safely and reliably by the local wires company, a company still regulated by the Public Utility Commission (PUC).
Q: What does Texas electric choice mean to me?
A: It means you have the power to choose your electricity service provider. It's referred to as deregulation. It is a result of Texas Senate Bill 7, which enables the state of Texas to restructure its electric utility industry.
Q: How does Skypower Energy help me save on my electric bill?
A: Deregulation allows REPs like Skypower Energy, to buy electricity wholesale from competitive providers and pass the savings along to customers.
Q: If I switch, will my new electricity be as reliable as before?
A: Yes. Since the transmission and distribution of your power is still provided by your current regulated utility, you get the same level of reliability. They will continue to maintain the poles and wires, regardless your energy provider. The only things that changes is your savings and customer service.